Tryhackme Free Walk-through Room: Burp Suite: Repeater (Updated room)
Task 1: Introduction
Task 2: What Is Repeater?
Question: Which sections gives us a more intuitive control over our requests?
Answer: Inspector
Task 3: Basic Usage
Question: Which view will populate when sending a request from the Proxy module to Repeater?
Answer: Request
Task 4: Message Analysis Toolbar
Question: Which option allows us to visualize the page as it would appear in a web browser?
Answer: Render
Task 5: Inspector
Question: Which section in Inspector is specific to POST requests?
Answer: Body Parameters
Task 6: Practical Example
What is the flag you receive?
Answer: THM{Yzg2MWI2ZDhlYzdlNGFiZTUzZTIzMzVi}
Task 7: Challenge
See if you can get the server to error out with a “500 Internal Server Error” code by changing the number at the end of the request to extreme inputs.
Question: What is the flag you receive when you cause a 500 error in the endpoint?
Answer: THM{N2MzMzFhMTA1MmZiYjA2YWQ4M2ZmMzhl}
Task 8: Extra-mile Challenge
Exploit the union SQL injection vulnerability in the site.
What is the flag?
Answer: THM{ZGE3OTUyZGMyMzkwNjJmZjg3Mzk1NjJh}
Task 9: Conclusion