Mutillidae — Lab 10 — Pivoting with SQL Injection

Daniel Schwarzentraub
3 min readSep 19, 2022

This lab can be found under: Labs > SQL Injection > Lab 10 — Pivoting with SQL Injection

If we run a union select statement, we can see that we’ve gotten the table name correct: ‘ union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 from credit_cards — -

We can retrieve the database type, version, and user via the following command (in this command, you only need a space after the 2 dashes, I add the 3rd for readability)

We can use another command to list out all of the installed databases

This next command will retrieve all of the tables that are within the mutillidae database,data%20dictionary%20and%20system%20catalog.,secondary%20indices%20(if%20any).

Now we need to find out what columns exist within the cred_cards table

As you can see, we have 4 columns, but only 3 usable fields that are vulnerable, we can pull all of the data by concatenating 2 columns together into 1. You’ll notice that the 3 digit ccv number and the expiration are both within the signature line

Answer: 1234567812345678

Assistance from this great author:

