HTB: Retired Machine Querier (Windows — Medium) — TCM’s PNPT Capstone

Daniel Schwarzentraub
4 min readFeb 25, 2024

We will start off with an nmap scan

Now we will run a Service scan

We’ll check and see if there are any open SMB shares

Let’s authenticate and see what we can find

Let’s install oletools via pip

Then we can use one of the tools (olevba) to read the file

User: reporting

Password: PcwTWTHRwryjc$c6

Let’s run help

Nothing really of interest when enumerating users

Let’s start up responder

Within the SQL connection, we will use xp_dirtree to connect to our machine

We receive an NTML hash from Responder

Let’s try and crack it with the rockyou wordlist

Let’s log into mssql as the service account

We will start up a netcat session

Then we will set up an smbserver in the directory we are hosting netcat and use it with xp_cmdshell to get us reverse connection

Enabling the cmdshell

Forgot to set the smb2support flag on my SMB Server

It takes a few seconds for the shell to connect


Answer: aa8302fa3a2ee0f0a2b00418e397666b

Let’s upload PowerUp from PowerSploit

We will get into powershell, and then invoke it, followed by running all checks

Admin password: MyUnclesAreMarioAndLuigi!!1!

Using wmiexec to get an admin shell


Answer: ad746032c73d8f2b12ec45cd9496dd43

0xdf’s write-up on the other paths to root

