HTB Retired Machine: Escape (Windows — Medium)

Daniel Schwarzentraub
6 min readFeb 26, 2024

We will start off an nmap scan

Now we we will a Service scan

Let’s check for any open SMB shares

With this information, we can log into the SQL DB

I knew that enabling xp_cmdshell would fail, but always worth to try it anyways

Let’s check the version we are running

Let’s list the tables

Let’s select * from logmarkhistory

With no data in any of the tables, let’s spin up Responder and see if we can get an NTLM hash

We will use xp_dirtree

Now we will use hashcat to crack it

sql_svc password: REGGIE1234ronnie

Since WinRM is running on the machine, let’s login via evil-winrm

We’ll check out the users on the machine

We’ll have to get a shell as Ryan

If we go into our user folder, we find an error log

Near the bottom we find what likely is Ryan’s password

Password: NuclearMosquito3


Answer: 8523430a9ca2eff1dccf59125df410a5

Let’s add the following host names to our hosts file: dc.sequel.htb, sequel.htb, dc

Now we will run crackmpaexec

We can grab Certify from the following repo

Let’s look for vulnerable templates

Per the Certify docs, we can execute scenario 3 to gain admin rights

First we create our certificate file

Now we will copy the entire contents of cert.pem (and name it as such) to our local machine

At the bottom it tells us what command to run (do not copy the command line portion into the file)

We will not enter a password when prompted, just press enter

Next step is to upload both the cert.pfx file and Rubeus

Now we will use Rubeus with our template name and the pfx file

Looking through the Rubeus docs, this is what we need. We are also going to add the /nowrap and /show flags as well

NTLM hash: A52F78E4C751E5F5E17E1E9F3E58F4EE


Answer: bb5e9bcfe951ad4bee2daa1c477c6a97

There’s a way to automate the certificate stuff without uploading tools using Certipy

Let’s use the find command to look for the vulnerable template

certipy-ad find -u ryan.cooper -p NuclearMosquito3 -target sequel.htb -text -stdout -vulnerable

Now we will use the request flag to request the ticket

certipy req -u ryan.cooper -p NuclearMosquito3 -target sequel.htb -upn administrator@sequel.htb -ca sequel-dc-ca -template UserAuthentication

Now we will auth with the pfx cert

Due to the time sync issue, we will need to sync with the domain (might need to install ntpdate)

The sync will kill the vpn, so make sure to reconnect

Doesn’t seem to sync correctly

Had to install rdate and also run it in a single command a few times due to the short time sync issue

With the hash, we can use impacket’s psexec

There’s also an exploit using a Silver Ticket method

